Friday, May 16, 2008

What is there to celebrate? Palestine

What is ther to celebrate? Palestine

Sister Maryam

Deir Yassin

The village of Deir Yassin. (Deir Yassin Remembered)
The massacre at Deir Yassin is one of some two dozen documented massacres of Palestinian civilians by Zionist forces seeking to transform Palestine into a Jewish state. If the import of catastrophes were gauged only in numbers of people slaughtered, Deir Yassin may not have taken on its central role in the Palestinian national consciousness. However, the terror at Deir Yassin triggered a mass flight of Palestinians who feared for their own lives. When Israel was established sixty years ago this May, more than 700,000 Palestinians lost their homes and belongings, their farms and businesses, their towns and cities. Jewish militias, and later, the Israeli army, drove them out. Israel rapidly moved Jews into the newly-emptied Palestinian homes. This tragic event and its consequences lie at the core of the Palestinian/Israeli problem.

1. What happened in the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin and why does it matter today?
2. Who carried out the massacre?
3. What resulted from the Deir Yassin massacre?
4. Was Deir Yassin an isolated incident?
5. What was the total destruction and how it is still relevant today?

1. What happened in the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin and why does it matter today?

In the early morning of April 9, 1948, three Zionist militias - the Haganah, Irgun and Stern Gang -- attacked the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin, located west of Jerusalem. More than 100 men, women and children were massacred. Some were mutilated and raped before being murdered. Twenty-five men from the village were paraded through Jerusalem and then executed in a nearby quarry. Those able to escape fled to East Jerusalem.

Word of the terror attacks spread rapidly, causing many Palestinians to flee, fearing for their lives. Within a year of the massacre, Deir Yassin, which had been emptied of Palestinians, was re-populated with Jewish immigrants and its name was removed from the map.

For Palestinians, Deir Yassin became the symbol of the sudden loss of their homes and homeland and the near destruction of their society, a situation which endures until today. When Israel was established sixty years ago, more than 700,000 Palestinians were exiled and 78 percent of the land of historic Palestine was lost.

Today, Palestinian refugees number nearly four million, out of a total population of approximately ten million. They are still deprived of their internationally-recognized right to return to their homeland. In the West Bank, Israel continues to seize land for Israeli-only settlements and Israeli-only roads.

2. Who carried out the massacre?

The Haganah, which became the Israeli army, fired mortars at the village while the Irgun and Stern Gang attacked from close range. At the time of the massacre, David Ben-Gurion, Israel's 1st prime minister, directed Haganah policy; Menachem Begin, Israel's 6th prime minister, led the Irgun; and Yitzhak Shamir, Israel's 7th prime minister, was a leader of the Stern Gang.

3. What resulted from the Deir Yassin massacre?

As news of the massacre spread, the ensuing terror triggered the mass flight of Palestinians. A few days after the attacks, in fact, the Irgun asserted that the incident advanced "terror and dread among the Arabs in all the villages around, in Al Maliha, Qaluniya and Beit Iksa a panic flight began ..." The flight of Palestinian refugees fit into the plans of Zionist military and political leaders at the time. During the first week of April, a concerted campaign - known as Plan Dalet - to systematically expel Palestinians from areas sought for the soon-to-be-founded state of Israel went into effect. Zionist forces conducted eight major military operations against Palestinian cities and villages between April 1st and May 15th when Israel declared independence and Arab states intervened in response to the growing refugee crisis. Some 250,000 Palestinians had been expelled by then.

4. Was Deir Yassin an isolated incident?

No. While Deir Yassin may be the most infamous, Israeli historian Benny Morris documents 24 massacres of Palestinians conducted by Zionist, and then Israeli, forces in 1948. According to Morris, "In some cases four or five people were executed, in others the numbers were 70, 80, 100. There was also a great deal of arbitrary killing. Two old men are spotted walking in a field - they are shot. A woman is found in an abandoned village - she is shot. There are cases such as the village of Dawayima [in the Hebron region], in which a column entered the village with all guns blazing and killed anything that moved. The worst cases were Saliha (70-80 killed), Deir Yassin (100-110), Lod (250), Dawayima (hundreds) and perhaps Abu Shusha (70).... The fact is that no one was punished for these acts of murder. Ben-Gurion silenced the matter. He covered up for the officers who did the massacres."

The Irgun and Stern Gang also attacked British and United Nations institutions and officers who they believed stood in the way of the Zionist enterprise in Palestine. The Irgun was responsible for the bombing of the King David Hotel, which was used as British military headquarters, in Jerusalem in 1946. Ninety-one people were killed. The Stern Gang assassinated Lord Moyne, the British minister of state for the Middle East, in 1944, attempted to assassinate Harold MacMichael, the High Commissioner of Palestine, in 1944 and assassinated Count Folke Bernadotte, the United Nations representative in the Middle East, in 1948.

5. What was the total destruction and how it is still relevant today?

In total, at least 450 Palestinian towns and villages were depopulated due to Zionist military attacks or fear of such attacks. Most of these were demolished. By the end of 1948, more than 700,000 Palestinians - two-thirds of the Palestinian population - were exiled and their society was destroyed. Even today, a Jew from anywhere in the world is welcome to settle in Israel, while Palestinians with the keys and deeds to their seized homes do not enjoy the right to return.

A Message to Any Truth – Seeker

Conveying Islamic Message
Society P.O. Box 834
Alexandria, Egypt
Tel: 03 5908811

A Message to Any Truth – Seeker

In the Name of Allah All and Ever Merciful
Peace be upon those who follow the Divine Guidance

I would like to offer you the greatest present that ever can be tendered from a human being to his brother: Embrace Islam! So that you may win safety in both this life and the Hereafter and obtain like the good-deeds of all hiose invite to Islam. Please note the following:

Islam is a clear religion that is never confusing where no mediator between humans and their Lord. No man has power over God's forgiveness or our entering paradise; but it's only our deeds that determine us close to Allah or our entering

Our Holy Book – The Noble Qura'an – is the only Divine book existing in this world that has never been distorted by human hands. That is, no Qura'anic word has ever been changed ever since fourteen centuries and even until the Doomsday comes; unlike the other old distorted Scriptures.
The Noble Qura'an is the miracle by which Allah has been challenging man and Jinn to bring one chapter alike chapter of Kawthar(10 words) or chapter of Al'asr(14 words). Nevertheless , they have failed to do so.

The Noble Qura'an is crystal clear that has neither confusion nor contradiction. It is suitable for all eras and places. It does not stand against modern sciences or facts.

A Muslim believes in all prophets and Messengers and in their implacability. That is to say, they did not commit sins nor did they violate the sacredness of Allah, unlike what is narrated in the other distorted Scriptures.

The Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) – is the greatest of mankind and intercessor. He was sent to the whole of worlds. The previous scriptures gave good tidings of his coming. His biography and Hadith (prophetic sayings) are recorded and unquestionable.

Islam prohibits all depravity like murder, adultery, theft, spirits, pork, lying, witchcraft, disobedience to parents and scaring secure people.

Islam encourages us to work good deeds and be just at everything. It calls for dutifulness to relatives and to neighbors guaranteeing happiness in this life and the Hereafter for the righteous believer.

Islam does not admit discrimination between races. Arab is not preferred to a Non- Arab nor a white to a cored except by piety. All are ultimately equal.

Go ahead and embrace Islam testifying "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger" in order not to lose your worldly life and the Hereafter.

P.S Kindly spread this message so that all people take advantage of such a call

I have an irrational fear of two things in life, spiders and thunder storms,

Sister Maryam

I have an irrational fear of two things in life, spiders and thunder storms, lightning really scares me.
Tonight we had our first thunder storm of the season. I can't recall since when I really started to get scared of lightning . I think it goes back to my childhood.When I was really young, my grand mother resided with us off and on . I remember when a storm would start, she would get her Holy water from her bedroom and start splashing some everywhere , even on us kids. Then she would have us kneel down and recite the rosary . We had to stay on our knees praying until the storm was over. She used to tell us that God was upset at us and that was the reason why he was sending the storm to punish us. As kids , that was so scary. I think that those episodes just engraved a bad impression in me. Even if I try, I can't shake the feeling I get when the lightning starts.

Lightning strikes boldly in black midnight skies
Feeding its endless, malevolent cries
With fires erupting from places it chose
Creating a light in the dark as it goes

The war of the worlds, so common a theme
Flashes of light cast in fiery beams
The war set with lightness and darkness abound
One is left standing, one at the ground

Glare cast by moonlight caresses the sky
Darkness marches slowly, passing right by
The hilltops see rage with the passage of time
Battlefields bloody with crime after crime

And so they continue, the light and the dark
Now one goes down, with the shot of a spark
Light standing erect, darkness bleeds at its foot
Burned by great light, left as ashes and soot

But if light is the good and darkness the bad
Then why is our world always mourning and sad
If light stands for kindness and never sees defeat
Why does it always have death at its feet?

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